
Best remote administration toolkits

Hello hackers, today i will list to you the best remote administration toolkits for computers hacking, If you don't know what are remote administration toolkits and how to setup it just read this article Read Article.
There are Many remote administration toolkits and each one has his own features, and today i will list you top 6 Remote administration toolkits which are the most used by Hackers.

1 - NjRat
however, Njrat is the best remote administration toolkit which includes many new features(like camera recording, desktop recording and it includes the best Password Stealer)

2 -  Dark Comet
Dark comet also has many new features, such as Flood Attack, Control Panel, Fun Center ... 

3 - Jrat
it's A Java Remote Administration Toolkit, Almost Jrat is the next generation of Rats, It's fully fud and does not need to be crypted but only it needs Java installed

4 - Cyber Gate
It's an Old remote administration toolkit but efficace, it includes many new features ill let you explore them by your self

5 - Bozok Rat
I guess you have never Heard the name of this rat but yes this rat is becoming famous now a days.

6 - NanoCore Rat
NanoCore It's A New Remote Administration toolkit and it's not a free tool that's mean you need to buy it but don't wory i will give you the cracked version.

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