
Security : How Can hackers hack you paypal or credit card

Hello, Today I'am Gonna show you How can hackers hack you paypal account or Your credit card easily !

Nowadays, Paypal is listed with best websites secured in the world That's why there is nothing called " Paypal Accounts Hacker " Or " Paypal Funds Generator " Or " Credit Card Hacker " But The Only way is phishing pages or " Scams " Hackers Use Scams to hack you paypal and credit cards, This Is some photos about SCAMS :
But , Scams Also Are Included With Fake " Credit card Confirm Page " Which let hackers to Hack your credit card This is And example of those pages :

You can Download paypal Private Scam Here :

Download Paypal Scam

Technics used by hackers to send you this page is usually by sending you an email with a fake subject (eg : Your account will be limited, Your account will be deleted ...) And a fake letter contains Hacker's Scam And this is an example of letter :
By clicking On " Verify Your Account " Button you will be redirect to A fake paypal Page Or a " Scam " And You will be asked about you login data (Paypal Email and password), your billing data(first name, last name, street address, country,province,state ....) And your credit card data (Name Of card holder, Card number, Credit Card Verivication number And expiry date).
You Might ask How can hackers send Millions Of emails Automatically and Quickly, Simple by using something Called " Bulk Mailer " Those bulk mailers are programmed usually using PHP or Python Or Softwares with SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ). This is an example Of Mailers : 
               PHP BULK MAILER

                 1st mass mailer

Finally, I want to say That there is no program used to hack paypal accounts or hack paypal funds and those software are used to hack you computer ! And if you are a paypal user , just delete any type of those emails To improve your account security. 

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